They've got plenty of places to sit, a good-looking crowd, and televisions broadcasting gay-themed videos in case the person sitting across from you is boring as shit. Scandals is the most middle-of-the road bar on the strip, not subscribing to any particular theme, and promoting a comfortable drinking atmosphere. I can't say that it wasn't disappointing not to see dudes suspended from hooks, but I'll take another friendly watering hole any day. Plus, the drinks, in keeping with one of the oft-lauded virtues of gay bars, were cheap and strong. And in the infamous loft? Some nice bear boys enjoying a quiet game of pool.
Such were the images conjured by the supposedly knowledgeable who had 'seen things' 'in there.' Naturally, I popped in to have myself a gander, specifically intending to check the loft, where apparently all the really brutal leather mask and chains stuff went down, and what did I find? A perfectly mellow gay bar with a delightfully sweet bartender. Then I heard it wasn't even a bar, but rather a raunchy BDSM sex club with blood running down the walls. At one point there were mumblings about the Eagle being one of the most 'hardcore' gay bars in Portland.